Different types of Bullying

Combat all types of Bullying


This article speaks about the worry that a few teachers have Canadian on the importance that him it is necessary to give to the different types of bullying. According to these teachers not only the ciberbully must be stood out, but other five (5) types of bullying also, since in the escuela there is a high insidencia to the harassment between students.

Types of Bullying:
1) Psicoemocional: directed to devaluating or controlling actions and decisions.
2) Direct Physicist: it causes bodily injury.
3) Indirect Physicist: it causes hurt or damage in the belongings of them and the students.
4) Sexual: it puts in risk or injures the freedom, safety, integrity and psychosexual development of them and the students.
5) Verbal: insults, nicknames or to devalue publicly, between others.
6) Ciberbully: intimidation for the   social networks.

-Anonymous. , July 18). Combat all types of bullying.ProQuest. Retrieved from  http://biblioteca.uprc.upr.edu:2088/docview/439456891/1355ED9C6C6166A47B8/16?accountid=44858


I don't see reason for trying, for talking or for breathing. I'm just done
This video treats on a few cuts of a movie so called cyberbully. Which treats herself about a young woman that it is intimidade by means of the social networks, they is exposed all his life and the one who exposes it does not know the hurt that causing to this young woman. Until it sees her, trying to take the life from him. In addition, this one is the new mode of intimidating or harassing the persons.
-I don´t see any reason for trying, for talking or for breathing. I´m just done[Video file] Retrived from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXJ-sMLMlwg&feature=player_embedded


Cyberbullying​ victimizat​ion and behaviors among girls:
applying research findings in the field.
Elizabeth K. Englander and Patricia A. Senell.
In this Journal he speaks to us a bit what they are the different types of bullying. In adition, speaks to us about different statistics that can help us to enternder better who is the persons' persentage victims of these different bullying.

-Englander, E. K., & Snell, P. A. (2010, October). Cyberbullying victimization and behaviors among girls: applying research findings in the field. Journal of Social Sciences, 6(4), 510+. Retrieved from http://ic.galegroup.com/ic/ovic/AcademicJournalsDetailsPage/AcademicJournalsDetailsWindow?  displayGroupName=Journals&disableHighlighting=false&prodId=OVIC&action=2&catId=&documentId=GALE%7CA273080365&userGroupName=uprcarolina&jsid=e7d2694cb54c993f8b548f1ec210fc7b

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