Comparation of Bullying in Puerto Rico and the United States

Extreme case of "bullying" in PR
Grave nine year old boy beaten by other children

By: Noticentro

15/11/10 3:52 PM

On the Island, a child under 18 is held in the Unit of Pediatric Intensive hospital after being beaten by four sixth graders School Paul G. Miller in Trujillo Alto.

The boy's mother Yiseliz Mercado Díaz, claimed inaction of the school administration to address the situation of his son. She said the Oct. 27, the child refused to give the toys to a group of sixth graders, so that they assaulted him.

The child is in serious condition, because he received head trauma and extremities.

His mother filed a complaint with the police, but she has been unable to follow it, because she has been caring for her son in the hospital.

Retrieved from

In Quebec, anti-bullying bill provokes a political fight.
(2012, February 16).
Globe & Mail
[Toronto, Canada], p. A4.

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